Do you use productivity apps to get things done?

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Maybe you have discovered a new one recently that has really helped you get your productivity to new levels?

Maybe you use pen and paper in an innovative way, like a Bullet Journal?

I love apps and use them everyday to note, clip, schedule, record, write and plan my work – the process is so simple to open one up and just start doing.

The apps I choose to get involved with (it’s a beautiful relationship when it works) are always available for both my iPhone and Mac so I can sync everything I need access to. Plus, everything remains up-to-date, so I hop on to them wherever I am – and of course they all work across different brands of phones, tablets and computers (and some even on wearables like watches)

My go-to list of apps has changed recently. They used to comprise of Evernote, TickTick, Day One, Google Docs and Notion, but I dropped Evernote and Google Docs in favour of Notion. It’s an amazingly flexible thing that is anything you want it to be – which is why we get on so well – except reminding me about reoccurring tasks. So TickTick is a delight to have around.

What are your go-to apps to get things done? I love finding out what makes different people choose the thing that works for them.

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